Jana Gana Mana – Yuva – Covered by Deepesh & Myself! :)

28 Nov

I am sure you would’ve heard this mind-blowing composition by ARR. My friend Deepesh and I were jamming at my place and we decided to take a break. Browsing through my song library Deepesh murmured something like “A pity there is no karaoke for this song on the internet…” and LO! That was just the charge I needed. 😛

We worked for almost four solid hours to create the skeleton of the song and sing on it. And then I sat all night and incorporated the other sounds into the track (also got carried away and pulled off a couple of extra stunts ;-)).  Anyways, here is what we came up with.

PS: The whistling is terribly out of sync… was too groggy to notice… 😛

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